About Us

Welcome to Anorbs, your go-to destination for cutting-edge insights into the world of technology and artificial intelligence. Founded and curated by Arham Javed, a seasoned web developer and dedicated freelancer, Anorbs is your compass in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation.

Your Gateway to Tech and AI Insights – Meet Arham Javed

Arham Javed front-end web developer with the passion of Technology.
Arham Javed front-end web developer with the passion for Technology.

For over three years, Arham has been honing his craft as a web developer, specializing in front-end development. His journey as a freelancer on Upwork has not only solidified his expertise but has also earned him a well-reputed profile within the industry. However, Arham’s passion for technology extends far beyond his professional endeavors. He is a self-proclaimed “code addict,” dedicating his full-time efforts to learning new skills and staying abreast of the latest industry trends.

In his quest for knowledge, Arham has embarked on a new frontier: artificial intelligence. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, he has embraced this burgeoning field to expand his skill set and delve deeper into the realms of machine learning and data science. With an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for discovery, Arham is committed to mastering AI and harnessing its power to drive innovation.

But Arham’s curiosity knows no bounds. Beyond the confines of technology, he is a fervent explorer of the world around him. Whether scouring the internet for the latest breakthroughs in hardware or software, or delving into the mysteries of the cosmos, Arham is driven by a passion for discovery. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements knows no bounds, as he seeks to unravel the complexities of our ever-changing world.

It was a friend’s suggestion that inspired Arham to share his wealth of knowledge and insights with the world. Thus, Anorbs was born—a platform where he could curate and disseminate the latest and most accurate information on developments in technology and AI. Through his blog, Arham aims to connect with like-minded individuals who share his passion for innovation, providing them with a curated space to explore, learn, and exchange ideas.

At Anorbs, we believe that knowledge is the key to unlocking the future. Whether you’re a seasoned technologist or a curious newcomer, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery. Together, let’s explore the frontiers of technology and AI, and uncover the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Welcome to Anorbs—where innovation knows no bounds.

Navigating the Intersection of Code and Politics and Sports – Meet Qamar Sajjad

Qamar Sajjad back-end web developer with the passion of Politics
Qamar Sajjad back-end web developer with the passion for Politics & Sports

Embark on a journey into the world of technology and politics with Qamar Sajjad—a web developer extraordinaire, a visionary freelancer, and a passionate observer of political landscapes. With expertise in back-end development and a thriving career on Upwork spanning two years, Qamar is a force to be reckoned with in the digital realm. However, his interests and talents extend far beyond the confines of code, as he seamlessly navigates the dynamic intersection of technology and politics.

Qamar’s journey as a web developer began two years ago, fueled by a fervent passion for coding and a relentless drive for excellence. Specializing in back-end development, he has carved out a niche for himself in the competitive world of freelancing, earning a well-reputed profile on platforms like Upwork. His dedication to his craft and his commitment to delivering high-quality solutions have garnered him praise and recognition from clients and peers alike.

But Qamar’s interests are not limited to lines of code and algorithms. In addition to his love for coding, he is deeply intrigued by the complexities of politics—a realm where strategy, diplomacy, and ideology intersect to shape the course of nations. With an insatiable curiosity and a keen eye for detail, Qamar stays abreast of the latest political developments, analyzing trends, and making astute predictions about future outcomes.

What sets Qamar apart is his unique ability to bridge the gap between technology and politics. Drawing on his expertise as a web developer, he harnesses the power of data analysis and digital platforms to gain insights into political dynamics. Whether it’s tracking voter sentiment through social media analytics or visualizing election results through interactive dashboards, Qamar leverages technology to decode the intricacies of the political landscape.

But Qamar’s interest in politics goes beyond mere observation—he is also an active participant in the discourse. Armed with a wealth of knowledge and a sharp intellect, he engages in thoughtful discussions, offering nuanced perspectives on a wide range of political issues. His predictions are often sought after by friends and colleagues, who value his keen insights and astute analysis.

In a world where technology and politics are increasingly intertwined, Qamar Sajjad stands at the forefront, bridging the gap between these two seemingly disparate worlds. Whether he’s crafting elegant code or dissecting the nuances of political strategy, Qamar approaches each challenge with passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

As he continues on his journey of exploration and discovery, Qamar Sajjad serves as an inspiration to aspiring web developers and political enthusiasts alike, reminding us that the boundaries between disciplines are often fluid, and that true innovation lies at the intersection of diverse fields of knowledge.